Our funding

We rely on the generosity of our donors and funders to allow us to provide our bereavement support services with not cost the Isle of Man community.

Our funders

Our funding continues to be generated from a range of sources including grants, trusts and both corporate and individual donors. We are incredibly grateful for all of our funders, including:

  • BBC Children in Need
  • The Scheinberg family
  • The Elizabeth Clucas Charitable Trust
  • The Isle of Man Government's Department of Health and Social Care
  • Manx Lottery Trust
  • The Gough Ritchie Charitable Trust
  • Tevir Limited
  • The Rotary Club of Douglas Lockington Marshall Fund
  • Zurich International
  • Celton Manx
  • ILS World
  • Hansard International
  • The Peel Charity Shop
  • All of the individual fundraisers and donors

Our financial reports

Why we're here

Over 35 years of service to the Isle of Man community.

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