Swim 10K Challenge

Western Swimming Pool, Peel

A poster/flyer  with white and yellow text on a blue background and a cartoon image of a swimmer advertising the Swim 10K event on Sunday 21 July 2024.

Join us in swimming a combined 10,000 metres (400 lengths) of the Western Swimming Pool between 3-7pm on Sunday July 21 2024.

You can join by yourself or be a part of a team, and everyone's distances will count towards the final total.

This is our second annual swim event. Last year we absolutely smashed the target and everyone who took part swam a combined 106km (66 miles) which was amazing. That's twice the length of the Isle of Man, or the same distance as on the ferry from Douglas to Heysham! Some people even managed to swim the a whole 10K themselves and we already know some individuals and teams are going to try that again this year.

The entry fee is £10 for adults or £5 for under 16s.

If you would like to join in, please email us at fundraising@cruse.org.im and we can make sure we allocate you to the right lane.

We're encouraging people to see if friends, family or work colleagues may want to sponsor you. If you'd like to donate, or start your own fundraiser for taking part, you can use our JustGiving page.

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